Funding your education
Depending on your individual circumstances and the type of a course you would like to pursue, some financial assistance may be available to help you with your studies.
Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) Grant Scheme:
Supports for students from Ireland, UK, EEA and Switzerland.
Uversity Scholarship
Uversity’s Scholarships help to alleviate the financial barriers that may be preventing older students, aged 23 and over, from earning a Bachelor’s Degree for the first time.
1916 Bursary Fund
The 1916 Bursary aims to encourage participation in third-level education by students who are most socio-economically disadvantaged and from groups most under-represented in higher education pursuing education in selected institutions.
International Education Scholarships Programme
The offer is open to students from non-EU/EEA countries and is applicable to all fields of study.
Under the initiative 60 scholarships will be provided for one year study at Masters or PhD levels to successful candidates who have an offer of a place at an eligible Irish higher education institution.